Top 10 Most Expensive Fruits in the World

What are the most expensive fruits in the world?

You can find luxury fruits all over the world, from the Lost Gardens of Heligan in England to the outer reaches of Japan’s Hokkaido island.

Others are valued for their unique shapes. Some others have astronomical values due to strict quality control rules that dictate their size and weight.

This guide lists the ten most costly fruits in the world. It also includes the prices you can expect to spend if you decide to buy one.

The Top 10 Most Expensive Fruits In The World

This definitive list includes the highest-priced fruits in the world.

Here’s our list of the 10 most expensive fruits in the world:

10. Buddha Shaped Pears – $9 Each

It is not difficult to guess the appearance of the novelty-shaped fruit, Buddha-shaped pears, which are available in China.

These Buddha-shaped pears were created by Gao Xinzhang, a Chinese farmer. They are made by growing the fruit in small Buddha-shaped molds.

This idea was inspired in part by the tale of miraculous fruit that was grown in the Buddha’s form. It took six years for this hardworking farmer to perfect his creation.

Legend says that if you eat these Buddha-shaped pears, you will become immortal. It’s only $9 per piece.

Gao Xinzhang is from Hebei in China, better known as China’s main producer of steel.

The Fruit Mold Company of China made the molds for the Buddha-shaped pear molds. They also make a variety of molds that can be used to produce unusually shaped, expensive fruits.

These inventions include watermelon with a heart shape and apples that resemble gnomes. However, it is unlikely that these inventions have earned enough money to match Ma Huateng’s net wealth.

This delicious fruit is delicious and the enjoyment of eating it is enhanced by Buddha’s smile. They are often served with decorative ribbons.

9. Sekai Ichi Apple – $12 Each

We will be sticking with the East and introduce the Sekai Ichi apple, which is one of the largest fruits in the world.

These rare fruits are grown in Japan and have a diameter of approximately 15 inches. They weigh in at 2 pounds.

One Sekai Ichi Apple costs around $12. This is a reasonable price considering it’s about the same size and weight as several regular apples.

Sekai Ichi, which translates to English to mean “number one” in the world, is not the most humble fruit name but it has a lot of truth.

They are delicious to eat. Each bite delivers a mixture of sweetness and juiciness, while the apple melts in your mouth.

Sekai Ichi apples can be hand-pollinated. When they are almost ready for consumption, the producers soak them in honey to enhance their taste and aroma.

This exotic fruit is for those apple lovers who are looking to experience something a bit more special than Honeycrisp apples at their local supermarket, and who don’t mind paying Sekai Ichi’s apple price.

8. Dekopon Citrus – $80/Pack

A Dekopon citrus fruit is a great way to cleanse your palate after you have eaten the last piece of one of the most expensive pizzas around the world.

Dekopon citrus is sweet orange-mandarin combination. It doesn’t have those annoying seeds that make it difficult to eat one.

You can get six packs of Dekopon citrus starting at $80.

The Dekopon orange was first cultivated in 1972. It is widely regarded as one of the finest oranges in the entire world. They are much juicier and more suitable for hot summer days.

It is unusually shaped in comparison to traditional oranges. The swollen top is believed to indicate how sweet and fresh it is.

The Dekopon citrus is distinguished by its rind which is more robust and durable than those of its cousins.

The Dekopon citrus fruits are a great alternative to regular oranges and are well worth looking into.

7. Sembikiya Queen Strawberries – $85/Pack

The humble strawberry is associated with the Wimbledon tennis tournament. It has been traditionally served with delicious whipped cream.

The Sembikiya queen strawberry comes from as far as the Wimbledon tournament, which is another exotic fruit that you can purchase in Japan.

Like other exotic fruits like strawberries, very few people would want to sully the Sembikiya Queen Strawberry with cream. They’re perfectly fine as they are.

These strawberries look very similar to normal strawberries, but closer inspection will reveal the attention and care that went into their selection.

It is important to choose the correct color of red, as well as the right amount of dark green for the leaves, and the perfect shape of the strawberry.

As luxury gifts, expensive fruits like the Sembikiya queen strawberry are often offered in Japan. A pack will cost you $85.

Although it is quite expensive, considering the prices of some of the most expensive perfumes around the world, it sounds like a bargain.

6. Square Watermelon – $800 Each

You might think $85 is a steep price for Sembikiya’s queen strawberries. But, it will be a lot less than that. The next entry in our guide to the most costly fruits in the world will make your jaw drop.

Square watermelon squares are a rare fruit in Japan that can be purchased for as high as $800. They are highly prized for their distinctive cubed shape and price.

You can save money by buying the square watermelon around the globe.

Square watermelon are unique in appearance and offer nothing you won’t find in a traditional (and spherical) watermelon.

They taste the same as normal watermelon, and are just as refreshing as any other watermelon.

The square watermelon weighs in at approximately 5-6 kilograms. This is something you should keep in mind if your are considering having one sent to you for a special occasion.

Many guides online are available to help grow these expensive fruits yourself. You can save hundreds of dollars if you don’t want to pay the steep price.

5. Lost Gardens of Heligan Pineapple – $1,600 Each

The pineapple is a tropical fruit that is native to South America. Despite being introduced to Europe in 17th century, it has been grown only once on continent.

Lost Gardens of Heligan Pineapples grow in Cornwall, south of England. This unique growing method is not available anywhere else.

The fruit is only grown in this pineapple pit. This tradition was started by Victorian gardeners in 18 century. It has been kept alive to the present day.

In this process, large quantities of horse manure and hay soaked with urine are used. The hay is heated in the pit that houses the Cornwall pineapple.

These expensive fruits require a lot of manual labor. The Cornwall pineapple price is $1,500.

These pineapples can’t be bought in regular stores at this price. The high auction price of $1600 makes these Heligan pineapples better suited for wealthy soccer players than for ordinary people.

This type of pineapple is more expensive than other varieties, and only 50 pineapple farmers are known to have grown it.

4. Taiyo no Tamago Mango – $3,000/Pair

We are back in Japan again, this time to purchase Taiyo no Tamago mangoes. They are only grown in the Miyazaki prefecture on the island of Kyushu.

The minimum weight of this summer fruit is 350g. It must also have a higher sugar content to be eligible for exclusive sales.

As part of the strict inspections required before they can be sold, they must have at least half their color in deep ruby red.

These Tamago mangoes are called “Eggs of Sun” because of their shape and color. It is one of the most beautiful fruits you can buy.

Taiyo no Tamago mangoes are just as delicious as they are healthy. They are high in beta-carotene and folic acid.

These mangoes, which sold at a record $3,000 each, were grown in Japan. However, there is an equivalent high-priced option in India.

A farmer in Madhya Pradesh’s Jabalpur area has taken to growing small amounts of the same fruit. He even hired nine dogs and three security guards to protect the trees.

3. Densuke Watermelon – $6,100 Each

Further north, in Japan, you will find the Densuke watermelon on Hokkaido Island.

Hokkaido, Japan’s second largest island, is known for its national parks and photogenic snow monkeys that bathe in hot springs.

Densuke watermelon is one of the most costly fruits in the world. It costs $6,100. This food can only be purchased by people who have the money to buy the best homes.

The Densuke watermelon has a slightly sweeter flavor than average watermelon and weighs in at around 11 kg. It also has a darker finish that gives it a distinctive appearance.

Densuke watermelon also lacks the spots and stripes that are common on regular watermelon. Their exclusivity is further enhanced by their small production of 10,000 per year.

One watermelon was auctioned in 2008 for $6,100. It is highly sought-after for its rarity and perfect round shape.

The Densuke watermelon is packaged in a beautiful display box with red velvet, as you would expect from such high-end fruits.

You don’t need to spend more than $6,000 on your next watermelon. Instead, you can get a regular Denosuke watermelon at a lower price of $250 per piece.

2. Ruby Roman Grapes – $8,400/Per Bunch

The Ruby Roman grapes are also available in Japan. They have been growing in the Ishikawa Prefecture from 2008.

These extra-large grapes are the same size and shape as a pingpong ball. This makes them more expensive.

The Ruby Roman grapes are priced at $8,400 per bunch. This makes them one of the most expensive fruits per pound.

Selection is very strict at this price. Each grape must weigh more than 20 grams and have 18% sugar content.

Premium grapes are grapes that weigh more than 30 grams and come from a 700-gram grape cluster. These grapes can fetch thousands of dollar.

In 2021, only six grapes passed the stringent pingpong ball shape, weight and sugar content tests, making it one the most rare and expensive fruits in the world.

Ruby roman grapes are unlikely to be used for expensive wines. They’re known for their high sugar content and low acidity. This makes them great to eat as is.

Although it is unlikely that you will use their premium-class offering as table grapes for any occasion, if your trip to Ishikawa Prefecture includes you can still enjoy regular-sized fruits at a fraction of the cost.

1. Yubari King Melon – $45,000/Pair

The Yubari King Melon is the most expensive fruit in the world. It comes from Hokkaido, just like the Densuke watermelon.

This orange-colored, fleshy melon is a mix of sweet melons from Hokkaido’s Yubari region. It is grown in greenhouses using volcanicash and protected from the sun by hats.

The Earl’s Favorite cantaloupe and the Burpee’s spicy cantaloupe were also used to produce this extraordinary melon. Both of these cultivars are often used in drinks like Margaritas.

It is significantly bigger than an ordinary Yubari melon. The average Yubari Melon weighs around 2.5 kg.

Yubari King melons have a perfectly round shape and a smooth rind. The growers leave a portion of the stem attached for aesthetic appeal to their clients.

Although the average Yubari King melon cost is approximately $12,000 per melon in value, a pair of Yubari King melons was auctioned for $45,000 in 2019, making it the most expensive fruit in the world.

Yubari King melons cannot be purchased by the general public.

These melons are instead offered as gifts at Chugen Ghost Festival. This is a traditional Buddhist and Taoist festival that is exchanged among members of Japan’s aristocracy.


The most expensive fruits are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. They are chosen for their unique attributes such as their weight, size, and shape.

This guide will help you find the perfect fruit for you, no matter if you are looking for sweet strawberries or juicy watermelons.

We’ll keep updating this list as more fruits fetch high prices. So make sure to check back to this guide for the most current information.

Here’s a quick recap of the 10 most expensive fruits in the world:

  1. Yubari King Melon – $45,000/Pair
  2. Ruby Roman Grapes – $8,400/Per Bunch
  3. Densuke Watermelon – $6,100 Each
  4. Taiyo no Tamago Mango – $3,000/Pair
  5. Lost Gardens of Heligan pineapples – $1,600 Each
  6. Square Watermelon – $800 Each
  7. Sembiyika Queen Strawberries – $85/Pack
  8. Dekopon Citrus – $80/Pack
  9. Sekai Ichi Apples – $12 Each
  10. Buddha Shaped Pears – $9 Each

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